Translation Services

Translation is the centrepiece of the integrated services provided by Universal. In other words, it is the oldest and most essential of Universal’s suite of services.

The key to Universal’s unmatched success in the market is its corporate policy of analyzing the customer’s need for translation accurately, working with translators who are subject matter experts, using time and sources of knowledge correctly, and managing all relevant processes well.

At Universal, cutting-edge technology and flawless content management approach is our most significant asset in managing processes fast and correctly. This is because we have already walked the path of perfect translation.

Having blended its unique translation processes with its 41 years of professional experience, Universal is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality translation services.

Translation Process

Project Management Process

In cases where the customer needs a minimum two of the translation, text authoring, editing and redaction, localisation, graphic design and application, pre-print and publication production services in a single project, Universal defines that combination of services as “Project Management”. In an effort to provide these services flawlessly and guarantee customer satisfaction, Universal assigns subject matter experts and qualified project managers to the customer’s project. The core elements of “Project Management” at Universal include planning, exchange of experience, using know-how and customer satisfaction. Project Management is one of the flagship services of Universal as it highlights the company’s dedication to team spirit and high quality. Universal makes sure that customers contacting Universal for translation and other language services will actually purchase an intellectual “investment”, comprising “knowledge”, “experience” and “intellectual work”.

World Class Management

Being the first translation company in Turkey certified to ISO 9001:2008 Quality Certificate for Translation Services in 2008 and to EN 15038 European Quality Standard for Translation Service Providers in 2009, Universal has introduced many firsts in the translation sector. UniGroup achieved compliance with the said standards through Transerv, a software it has developed as a result of its vast industry experience.

After a year of hard work, the company has designed and developed a quality assurance system, intended to ensure a fully-automated management of all the processes of service, and the system was launched in October 2007. The system was certified by Bureau Veritas Gözetim Hizmetleri Ltd.Şti., and Universal received the ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Certificate on 28 February 2008.

At Universal, we are dedicated to preventing deviations from our existing quality assurance system and to continuously improving the quality of our services. Our goal is to guarantee all of our customers the same level of quality in our services at all times.

Professional Experience and Terminology Management

Universal owes its unmatched success to its real-time professional experience. At Universal, we know that professional experience, coupled with linguistic expertise, is key to a high quality translation.

This history provides us consistent and proved results with the use of our own terminology plug-ins and glossaries especially in the Turkish localization. In addition to our Multilingual Localization services, Universal takes its core strength from being a trustworthy Turkish Translation Company.

For that reason, Universal boasts a highly qualified team of translators, project coordinators and editors with broad professional experience to meet your needs for translation services. Get ready to meet our team members who are specialising in your specific industry and capable of understanding your specific needs.

“The content of each translation should be assessed and tailored specifically for the target audience” is the motto of Universal. We also know that selecting and using the right terminology is essential to assure a high quality translation. Terminology management, the most critical element of the whole translation process, blends in with professional experience, effective communication with customers, and linguistic expertise at Universal to generate flawless results.

Some of the industries for which we have virtually become a solution partner by delivering millions of pages of translation.

Turnkey Services

Universal analyzes all texts submitted by customers by using computer software, graphic programs and media transfer processes at the phase of pricing and evaluation.

Universal has the technological and professional capacity to translate your source documents or texts, regardless of the format in which they are created, and deliver them back in any format of your choice. For instance, we can translate your monolingual promotional materials into 12 different languages, with all their high-resolution pre-flight testing being completed, and also deliver a PDF version of them for you to view and read.

With 41 years of experience in the publishing sector, Universal manages all translation processes in-house, including printing, and boasts the industry experience and subject matter experts to offer its customers a flawless, integrated service package